The Night Gardener
(OverDrive Listen)
A New York Times bestseller, Jonathan Auxier's The Night Gardener is a Victorian ghost story with shades of Washington Irving and Henry James. More than just a spooky tale, it's also a moral fable about human greed and the power of storytelling.
The Night Gardener follows two abandoned Irish siblings who travel to work as servants at a creepy, crumbling English manor house. But the house and its family are not quite what they seem. Soon the children are confronted by a mysterious spectre and an ancient curse that threatens their very lives.
With Auxier's exquisite command of language, The Night Gardener is a mesmerizing read and a classic in the making.
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Level 4.9, 12 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Jonathan Auxier. (2015). The Night Gardener. Unabridged Recorded Books, Inc.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Jonathan Auxier. 2015. The Night Gardener. Recorded Books, Inc.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Jonathan Auxier, The Night Gardener. Recorded Books, Inc, 2015.
MLA Citation (style guide)Jonathan Auxier. The Night Gardener. Unabridged Recorded Books, Inc, 2015.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- fullDescription
A New York Times bestseller, Jonathan Auxier's The Night Gardener is a Victorian ghost story with shades of Washington Irving and Henry James. More than just a spooky tale, it's also a moral fable about human greed and the power of storytelling.
The Night Gardener follows two abandoned Irish siblings who travel to work as servants at a creepy, crumbling English manor house. But the house and its family are not quite what they seem. Soon the children are confronted by a mysterious spectre and an ancient curse that threatens their very lives.
With Auxier's exquisite command of language, The Night Gardener is a mesmerizing read and a classic in the making.
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- value: Grade 3
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- shortDescription
A New York Times bestseller, Jonathan Auxier's The Night Gardener is a Victorian ghost story with shades of Washington Irving and Henry James. More than just a spooky tale, it's also a moral fable about human greed and the power of storytelling.
The Night Gardener follows two abandoned Irish siblings who travel to work as servants at a creepy, crumbling English manor house. But the house and its family are not quite what they seem. Soon the children are confronted by a mysterious spectre and an ancient curse that threatens their very lives.
With Auxier's exquisite command of language, The Night Gardener is a mesmerizing read and a classic in the making.
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- Night Gardener
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- 690
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- source: Association for Library Service to Children
- value: Notable Children's Books
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- Recorded Books, Inc.
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- description: Juvenile Fiction / Horror