Summer Reading 2024 (Polson)

Books in LION for Polson Middle School students' summer reading

Showing 141 - 143 of 143  There are a total of 143 valid entries on the list.
Book cover for "The wishing spell"
Star rating for The wishing spell
Average Rating:
4.5 stars
"Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, twins Alex and Conner leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with the fairy tale characters they grew up reading about"--
Book cover for "Witchlings"
Star rating for Witchlings
"Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches. And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare! Spare covens have fewer witches, are less powerful,...
Book cover for "You've reached Sam"
Star rating for You've reached Sam
Average Rating:
2 stars
Seventeen-year-old Julie fell in love with Sam the day she met him, and planned to attend college with him; but Sam died, and getting rid of his things, trying to erase him from her life is not working, so desperate to hear his voice one more time, Juliecalls his cellphone expecting to hear his voicemail--but then Sam answers, and suddenly their cellphones become the living connection between them, a connection Julie finds impossible to let go.