Showing 1 - 8 of 8
There are a total of 143 valid entries on the list.
1. Girl, stolen
Choose a Format
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA HENRY |
0 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA HENRY |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC HEN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Fiction | TEEN/FIC/HENRY |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC HENRY |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC HENRY (JUN 12) |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Henry |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA HENRY #1 |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA HENRY |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2010 | 1st ed | Henry Holt | 213 p. ; 21 cm. | Available from another library
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2012 | Square Fish | 232 pages ; 21 cm | Available from another library
When an impulsive carjacking turns into a kidnapping, Griffin, a high school dropout, finds himself more in sympathy with his wealthy, blind victim, sixteen-year-old Cheyenne, than with his greedy father.
2. How we roll
Choose a Format
On Shelf
1 copy on order.
Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF FRIEND |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA FRIEND |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC FRIEND |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAF FRIEND |
1 on order | Acton Public Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||
2018 | First edition | Farrar Straus Giroux | 260 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf 1 copy on order. Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction TF FRIEND
After developing alopecia Quinn lost her friends along with her hair and former football player Jake lost his legs and confidence after an accident, but the two help each other believe in themselves and the possibility of love.
Average Rating:
5 stars
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 2 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction Book 1 |
1 of 3 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF BOWLING |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | YOUTH Bow |
2 of 2 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF BOW |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Bowling, Dusti (Insignificant) |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Bowling, Dusti [Life] #01 (Insignificant) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J BOWLING - MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2022 |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Bowling |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA BOWLING |
0 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA BOWLING (NUTMEG 2022) |
0 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BOW C. 2 |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BOW (MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2022) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/BOWLING |
1 of 2 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/BOWLING (2022 Nutmeg Winner) |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J BOW (2022 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BOW |
2 of 2 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Middle Grade | YA MG BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA BOWLING |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF BOWLING |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Bowling Life 1 |
2 of 2 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Bowling |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Bowling, Dusti LIFE#1 (2022 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Bowling |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Bowling 2022 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA F BOWLING Life #1 |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BOW - NUTMEG NOMINEE 2020 |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J BOWLING |
1 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA BOWLING |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | MG F BOW |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J BOWLING |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2017 | Sterling Children's Books | 262 pages ; 21 cm. | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction has 2 TF BOWLING
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Books on CD | jBCD BOWLING |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2019] | Unabridged | Tantor | 5 audio discs (approximately 5.5 hr.) : digital, CD audio ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Checked Out
1 copy, 1 person is on the wait list.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2019 | OverDrive | Tantor Media, Inc | Checked Out 1 copy, 1 person is on the wait list.
New friends and a mystery help Aven, thirteen, adjust to middle school and life at a dying western theme park in a new state, where her being born armless presents many challenges.
Average Rating:
4.8 stars
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (REALISTIC FIC) DRAPER |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Picture Books | JPB D |
0 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC DRA |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF DRAPER |
0 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | YOUTH Fic Dra |
0 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC DRA |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF DRA |
0 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC DRA |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction (Paperback) | J Draper, Sharon [Out] #01 (Mind) |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Draper |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Draper, Sharon [Out] #01 (Mind) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Draper |
0 of 2 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC DRAPER |
0 of 2 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Nutmeg | J FIC DRA |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd New Juv. Fiction | J FIC DRA |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/DRAPER |
1 of 2 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | JF DRA 2014 NUTMEG NOMINEE |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC DRA |
0 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Middle Grade | YA MG DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC DRAPER |
0 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JPB DRAPER |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Draper Out 1 |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Draper Out 1 |
1 of 1 | North Haven Tween Fiction | jTweenFiction Draper, Sharon_M. Out#1 |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF DRAPER (PBK) (FEB 13) |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F DRAPER c. 2 |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F DRAPER c. 3 |
0 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J DRAPER |
0 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Draper |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC DRA |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J DRAPER |
1 of 1 | West Haven Bookmobile Children's Fiction | J FIC DRAPER |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC DRAPER |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC DRAPER NUTMEG |
0 of 1 | West Haven Ora Mason Children's Fiction | J FIC DRA |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | MG F DRA |
1 of 2 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | NM'14 jF DRA |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | JPB DRAPER |
Pub. Date | Edition | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2010] | 295 pages ; 19 cm. | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction JF (REALISTIC FIC) DRAPER
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2012 | 1st Atheneum Books for Young Readers pbk. ed | 295 pages ; 20 cm | Checked Out
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. CD Books | BCD JFIC DRA |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Books on CD | JBKCD JFIC DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Audiobook Fiction CD | j Audiobook CD Fiction Draper |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Books on CD | J CD BOOK DRAPER |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Compact Disc | jCOMPACT DISC DRA |
Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||
Simon & Schuster Audio | 6 audio discs (420 minutes): digital; 12 cm | Available from another library
| ||||||||||||||||
6 audio discs (7 hr.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Playaways | J PLWY DRAPER |
Pub. Date | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2010 | 1 sound media player (7 hr.) : digital ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
3 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Online OverDrive Collection has 3
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
3 of 2 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2016 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Audio | Available Online 2 copies, 1 person is on the wait list. Online OverDrive Collection has 2
| |||||||
2010 | OverDrive | Recorded Books | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Checked Out
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2010 | OverDrive | Atheneum Books for Young Readers | Checked Out
A brilliant, impatient fifth-grader with cerebral palsy, considered by many to be mentally retarded, discovers a technological device that will allow her to speak for the first time.
Average Rating:
3 stars
Choose a Format
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC VAN |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Van Draanen |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC VAN |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun YA Fiction | YA FIC VAN |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Van Draanen |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Van Draanen, Wendelin (Running) |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA VANDRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Lyme YA Fiction | YA VAN FIC |
0 of 1 | Meriden Bookmobile | YPB VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA FIC Van Draanen |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Van Draanen |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Van Draanen |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Van Draanen, Wendelin |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC VAN DRAANEN (PBK) (JAN 12) |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC VAN DRAANEN |
0 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA VANDRAAN |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Van Draanen 2013 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA VAN |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA VAN DRAANEN |
0 of 2 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC VAN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA VAN DRAANEN |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2012, c2011 | 1st Ember ed | Ember | 336 p. ; 21 cm. | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2011 | 1st ed | Alfred A. Knopf | 336 p. ; 22 cm. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Adult Talking Book CD | CD/TBK/VAN DRAANEN |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Books on CD | YA CD BOOK VAN DRAANEN |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
p2011 | Listening Library | 6 sound discs (7 hr.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2011 | OverDrive | Books on Tape | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2011 | OverDrive | Random House Children's Books | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
When a school bus accident leaves sixteen-year-old Jessica an amputee, she returns to school with a prosthetic limb and her track team finds a wonderful way to help rekindle her dream of running again.
6. The Six
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading | TF ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC ALP |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Alpert |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone YA Fiction | YA FICTION ALPERT (Sci-Fi) |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Action & Adventure | YA ACT ALPERT (TEEN NM 2019) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Young Adult Fiction | YA Fic Alp Six Book 1 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALP |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA ALPERT - NUTMEG |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Alpert |
1 of 2 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALP |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Teen Books | TEEN/FIC/ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA ALP (NUTMEG NOMINEE 2019) |
1 of 1 | Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC ALP |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA SCI Alpert |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAPB ALPERT |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Alpert, Mark (Teen Nutmeg) |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA ALPERT |
3 of 3 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Alpert 2019 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA ALP |
2 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA ALPERT #1 |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALPERT |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA ALPERT |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2015] | Sourcebooks Inc | 363 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading TF ALPERT
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2015 | Sourcebooks Fire | 389 pages ; 21 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Books on CD | YA CD BOOK ALPERT |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2018] | Unabridged | Tantor Media | 9 audio discs (11 hr.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2015 | OverDrive | Sourcebooks | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Adam, crippled by muscular dystrophy, and five other terminally ill teenagers sacrifice their bodies and upload their minds into weaponized robots to battle a dangerously advanced artificial intelligence program bent on destroying humanity.
Average Rating:
4 stars
Choose a Format
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC CON |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Connor |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF CONNOR |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC CON |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Connor, Leslie (Truth) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J CONNOR (MS NUTMEG 2021) |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Connor 2021 Nutmeg 7-8 |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC CON |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Teen Hardcover | TEEN/FIC/CONNOR (2021 Nutmeg Nominee) |
2 of 2 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA CONNOR (NUTMEG NOMINEE '21) |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC CON |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC CONNOR |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JPB CONNOR |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Connor |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Connor |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Connor, Leslie (2021 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Connor |
2 of 2 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Connor 2021 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC CON - NUTMEG NOMINEE 2021 |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA CONNOR |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | MG F CON |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Tween | J CONNOR (TWEEN) |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA CONNOR |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2020 | First paperback edition | Katherine Tegen Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers | 326 pages, 14 pages ; 20 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Durham Children's Books on CD | jBCD CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Talking Book CD | J/CD/TBK/CONNOR |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD CONNOR |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||
2018 | Unabridged | Harper Audio | 6 audio discs (6 1/2 hr.) ; 12 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Talking Book Playaway | J/PLA/TBK/CONNOR |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2018] | Unabridged | Findaway World, LLC | 1 audio media player (approximately 6 hr., 30 min.) : digital, HD audio ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2018 | OverDrive | HarperCollins | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2018 | OverDrive | HarperCollins | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
As he grieves his best friend Benny's death, Mason and his friend Calvin, who are targeted by the neighborhood bullies, create an underground haven for themselves, but when Calvin goes missing Mason finds himself in trouble.
Average Rating:
4.7 stars
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (HISTORICAL FIC) BRADLEY |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Nutmeg - New | JPB B |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Picture Books | JF BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC BRA |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Bradley |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Historical Fiction | jF HIS BRADLEY (NM '18) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC BRA (NM '18) |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF BRA |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Bradley, Kimberly [War] #01 (Saved) |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Bradley, Kimberly [War] #01 (That Saved) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Bradley |
1 of 3 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BRA |
2 of 2 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J BRAD 2018 NUTMEG |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BRA |
1 of 2 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Series | JF BRADLEY #1 |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Bradley War 1 |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Bradley |
1 of 2 | North Haven Children's Fiction | jFiction Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker War#1 |
2 of 2 | North Haven Tween Fiction | jTweenFiction Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker War#1 |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF BRADLEY |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F BRADLEY c.2 |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F BRADLEY c.3 |
0 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC BRADLEY |
1 of 2 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J BRADLEY |
1 of 2 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Bradley 2018 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC BRA -NUTMEG 2018 |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J BRADLEY |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC BRA |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC BRADLEY NUTMEG |
1 of 2 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | NM'18 jF BRA |
2 of 3 | Woodbridge Newberry | J BRADLEY (TWEEN) (NEWBERY) |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2015 | Puffin Books | 316 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction JF (HISTORICAL FIC) BRADLEY
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. CD Books | BCD JFIC BRA |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Books on CD | jBCD BRADLEY |
0 of 1 | Essex Children's Book on CD Fiction | J BCD BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Audiobooks | J CD Bradley |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Books on CD | JBKCD JFIC BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Talking Book CD | J/CD/TBK/BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Talking Book CD | J/CD/TBK/BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | North Haven Children's Audiobook | jAudio Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker War#1 |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Books on CD | J BCD BRA |
2 of 2 | Wallingford Children's Books on CD | J CD BOOK BRADLEY |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD BRADLEY |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2015 | Unabridged | Listening Library | 6 sound discs (7 hours, 38 minutes) ; 12 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Bradley |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Large Print | J LP BRADLEY |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
2019 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 393 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Playaways | J PLWY BRADLEY |
0 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Compact Disc | jPA BRA |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
[2015] | Unabridged | Findaway World, LLC | 1 audio media player (approximately 7 hr., 30 min.) : digital, HD audio ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2015 | OverDrive | Books on Tape | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection has 2
A young disabled girl and her brother are evacuated from London to the English countryside during World War II, where they find life to be much sweeter away from their abusive mother.