Showing 1 - 10 of 10
There are a total of 143 valid entries on the list.
Average Rating:
4.5 stars
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Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Sports Fiction | jF SPO GREEN |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF GRE |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Green, Tim (Baseball) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J GREEN |
2 of 2 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC GREEN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J GRE |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC GREEN |
0 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF GREEN |
1 of 1 | North Haven Children's Fiction | jFiction Green, Tim Baseball Genius#1 |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Green |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2017 | First Aladdin hardcover edition | Jeter Children's/Aladdin | 344 pages ; 22 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Green |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2019 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 409 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
"An average kid with an above average talent for predicting baseball pitches tries to help his favorite player out of a slump"--
Average Rating:
4.8 stars
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 2 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF GIBBS |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction Book 1 |
1 of 2 | Durham Children's Action/Adventure | jF ACT GIBBS |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | YOUTH Gib CT Book 1 Nutmeg |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC GIB BK1 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF GIB |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Gibbs, Stuart [Thorne] #01 (Last) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J GIBBS - MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2022 |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gib |
0 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gibbs 2022 Nutmeg |
0 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GIB |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GIBBS #1 |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GIB |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA GIBBS |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Series | JF GIBBS |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Gibbs Charlie 1 |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Gibbs Charlie 1 |
0 of 1 | North Haven Middle School Nutmegs | Teen Fiction Gibbs, Stuart CHARLIE#1 (2022 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction Series | YT FICTION Gibbs, Stuart CHARLIE#1 (2022 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF GIBBS [JUN 21] |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA GIBBS Book 1 |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Gibbs |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Gibbs 2022 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F GIBBS Charlie # 1 |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J GIBBS |
1 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA GIBBS |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC GIBBS |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC GIBBS NUTMEG 2022 |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | MG F GIB |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | jF GIB |
1 of 2 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J GIBBS |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2019] | First edition | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | 392 pages: illustrations; 22 cm. | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction has 2 TF GIBBS
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Gibbs |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2021 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 509 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Compact Disc | jPA GIB |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2019] | Unabridged | Findaway World, LLC | 1 audio media player (007:39:52) : digital, HD audio ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. + 1 set of earphones and 1 AAA battery | Available from another library
Checked Out
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2019 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Audio | Checked Out
The CIA forces twelve-year-old Charlotte "Charlie" Thorne, a rebellious genius, to use her code-breaking skills on an epic global chase to locate Einstein's last equation before dangerous agents discover it and unlock the solution to harnessing energy.--
3. City spies
Average Rating:
5 stars
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Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
1 copy on order.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (ADVENTURE) PONTI |
0 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Ponti |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
0 of 1 | Durham Children's Mystery | jF MYS PONTI |
0 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF PON |
0 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC PONTI |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | SERIES J FIC CITY # 1 |
0 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J PONTI |
0 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC PON |
0 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC PONTI |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC PONTI, City Spies #1 |
0 of 1 | New London Juv. Series | JF PONTI |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Ponti City 1 |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Ponti City 1 |
1 of 1 | North Haven Children's Fiction | jFiction Ponti, James City#1 |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F PONTI |
0 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC PONTI |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Ponti |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC PON |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J PONTI |
1 of 1 | West Haven Bookmobile Children's Fiction | J FIC PONTI |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Tween | J PONTI (TWEEN) |
1 on order | Hamden Public Libraries On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2020 | First Aladdin hardcover edition | Aladdin, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division | 378 pages ; 22 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere 1 copy on order.
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD PONTI |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2020 | Unabridged | Simon & Schuster Audio | 6 audio discs (7 hr.) : CD audio ; 12 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Ponti |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2023 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 433 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
"Sara Martinez is facing years in the juvenile detention system for hacking into the foster care computer system to prove that her foster parents are crooks. But then she gets a second chance when a mysterious man offers her a chance to join a group of MI6 affiliated spies"--
Average Rating:
4.5 stars
Choose a Format
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (SPORTS) ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Nonfiction | YA FIC ALE |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Alexander |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone YA Fiction | YA FICTION ALEXANDER (Realistic) |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Sports Fiction | jF SPO ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF ALE |
3 of 3 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Alexander, Kwame [Crossover] #01 (Crossover) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Alexander |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC ALEXANDER |
0 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC DARING ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC ALE |
1 of 2 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA ALEX |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC ALE |
2 of 2 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Middle Grade | YA MG ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA FIC Alexander |
1 of 1 | Mitchell College Juvenile Advanced Reader | JUV ALEXA |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Alexander Crossover 1 |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Alexander |
1 of 1 | North Haven Tween Fiction | jTweenFiction Alexander, Kwame Crossover#1 |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F ALEXANDER |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction - Storage | Y F ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Alexander |
0 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Alexander |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA ALE |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALE-TEEN |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 2 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC ALEXANDER NUTMEG |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALE |
0 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F ALE |
0 of 1 | Woodbridge Newberry | J ALEXANDER (NEWBERY) |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2014] | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | 237 pages ; 22 cm. | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | North Haven Tween Books on CD | jAudio Tween Alexander, Kwame Crossover#1 |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2014] | Unabridged | Recorded Books | 2 audio discs (2 hr., 15 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2014 | OverDrive | Recorded Books, Inc | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2014 | OverDrive | HarperCollins | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Children's Readalongs
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |
[2021] | Findaway World, LLC | 1 Wonderbook (273 pages (large print)) ; 22 cm. | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Children's Readalongs JF (SPORTS) ALEXANDER |
"A bolt of lightning on my kicks ... The court is sizzling. My sweat is drizzling. Stop all that quivering. Cuz tonight I'm delivering," raps basketball phenom Josh Bell. Thanks to his dad, he and his twin brother, Jordan, are kings on the court, with crossovers that make even the toughest ballers cry. But Josh has more than hoops in his blood. He's got a river of rhymes flowing through him - a sick flow that helps him find his rhythm when everything's...
5. Hatchet
Average Rating:
4 stars
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On Shelf
64 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (ADVENTURE) PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF P |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF PAU |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC PAU |
0 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Paulsen |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Action & Adventure | YA ACT PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus New Y | YOUTH Fic Pau |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC PAU |
0 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC PAU |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction (Paperback) | J Paulsen |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public J Fiction (Paperback) | J Paulsen, Gary [Hatchet] #01 (Hatchet) |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Paulsen, Gary [Hatchet] #01 (Hatchet) |
0 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Paulsen |
0 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Paulsen |
2 of 3 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC PAULSEN |
2 of 2 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC PAU |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/PAULSEN |
2 of 2 | Hamden/Whitneyville Teen Books | TEEN/FIC/PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | JF PAU |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC PAU |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAPB PAULSEN |
2 of 2 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Paulsen |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Paulsen |
2 of 2 | North Haven Tween Fiction | jTweenFiction Paulsen, Gary Brians#1 |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Paulsen, Gary |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F PAULSEN c. 2 |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC PAULSEN |
2 of 2 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA PAULSEN |
2 of 3 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Paulsen |
0 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F PAULSEN # 1 |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F PAULSEN Hatchet # 1 |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC PAU - CLASSICS |
4 of 4 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC PAU |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | YA F PAU |
1 of 2 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F PAU |
0 of 2 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J PAULSEN |
0 of 1 | Woodbridge Newberry | J PAULSEN (NEWBERY) |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2007, c1987 | Simon Pulse | 189 p. ; 18 cm. | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction TF PAULSEN
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2000 | Atheneum Books for Young Readers | 195 pages ; 22 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere 17 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c1987 | Bradbury Press | 195 p. ; 21 cm. | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2006, c1987 | Aladdin Paperbacks ed | Aladdin Paperbacks | 195 p. ; 20 cm. | Available from another library
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2007 | Simon Pulse ed | Simon Pulse | 189 p. ; 18 cm. | Available from another library
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2007] | 20th Anniversary edition | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | 188 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. | Available from another library
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[1996] | Aladdin Paperbacks | 195 pages ; 20 cm. | Available from another library
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1999 | Rev. cover ed | Aladdin Paperbacks | 189 p. ; 18 cm. | Available from another library
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2017] | 30th anniversary edition | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | pages cm | Available from another library
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[1987,] | Scholastic | 186 pages ; cm | Available from another library
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1999 | Scholastic Inc | 195 pages ; 17 cm | Checked Out
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c1987 | Puffin Books | 195 p. | Currently Unavailable
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Books on CD | J CD/BK HAT |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Audio Book | YA CD Paulsen |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. CD Books | BCD JFIC PAU |
1 of 1 | Durham Media Room | BCD PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Audiobooks | J AV CD PAU |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Books on CD | JBKCD PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Book on CD Fiction | J BCD PAU |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Audio Books on CD | JCD FIC PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Audiobook Fiction CD | j Audiobook CD Fiction Paulsen |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Books on CD | J BCD PAU |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Books on CD | YA CD BOOK PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Books on CD | J CD BOOK PAULSEN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD PAULSEN |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
p1992 | Unabridged | Listening Library | 3 sound discs (3 hr., 42 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2004] | Distributed by Recorded Books | 3 sound discs (3 hr., 45 min.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Paulsen |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2017 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 215 pages (large print) ; 23 cm | Available from another library
Checked Out
2 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2006 | OverDrive | Books on Tape | Checked Out 2 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Checked Out
1 copy, 6 people are on the wait list.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2009 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | Checked Out 1 copy, 6 people are on the wait list.
After a plane crash, thirteen-year-old Brian spends fifty-four days in the Canadian wilderness, learning to survive with only the aid of a hatchet given him by his mother, and learning also to survive his parents' divorce. Includes an introduction and sidebar commentary by the author.
6. Refugee
Average Rating:
5 stars
Choose a Format
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (HISTORICAL FIC) GRATZ |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC GRA |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gratz |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF GRA |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Gratz, Alan (Refugee) |
0 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA GRATZ |
0 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gratz |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile DARING Shelf | JFIC DARING GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GRA |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GRATZ |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GRA |
0 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA FIC Gratz |
0 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF GRATZ |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Gratz |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Gratz |
1 of 1 | North Haven Children's Fiction | jFiction Gratz, Alan |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF GRATZ [JUL 18] |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GRA |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA GRATZ |
2 of 2 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC GRATZ |
1 of 1 | West Haven Ora Mason Children's Fiction | J FIC GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | RI'19 YA F GRA |
0 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J GRATZ |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2017 | First edition | Scholastic Press | 338 pages : maps ; 22 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2018] | Scholastic Inc | 338 pages : maps ; 19 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Book on CD Fiction | YA BCD GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Lyme Adult Book on CD | AUDIO CD#787 LYME |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD GRATZ |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||
2017 | Unabridged | Scholastic Audiobooks | 7 audio discs (7 hr., 37 min.) ; 12 cm | Available from another library
Checked Out
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Gratz |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2022 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 447 pages (large print) ; 23 cm | Checked Out
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Playaway | J PLY GRATZ |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Playaways | J PLWY GRATZ |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
[2017] | Unabridged | Findaway World, LLC | 1 audio media player (7 hr., 37 min.) : digital, HD audio ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2017 | OverDrive | Scholastic Inc | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Available Online
72 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Online OverDrive Collection has 72
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
72 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2017 | OverDrive | Scholastic Inc | Available Online 72 copies, 1 person is on the wait list. Online OverDrive Collection has 72
Although separated by continents and decades, Josef, a Jewish boy living in 1930s Nazi Germany; Isabel, a Cuban girl trying to escape the riots and unrest plaguing her country in 1994; and Mahmoud, a Syrian boy in 2015 whose homeland is torn apart by violence and destruction, embark on harrowing journeys in search of refuge, discovering shocking connections that tie their stories together.
7. Scythe
Average Rating:
4.7 stars
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Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 2 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC SHU #1 |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YAF Shusterman |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone YA Fiction | YA FICTION SHUSTERMAN (Sci-Fi) |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy | YA SFF SHU (HS NM 2019) |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy | YA SFF SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 2 | East Haddam/Moodus Young Adult Fiction | YA Fic Shu Book 1 |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun YA Fiction | YA FIC SHU BK1 |
0 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC SHU |
1 of 2 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Shusterman, Neal [Arc] #01 (Scythe) |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN - NUTMEG |
0 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN BK1 |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Young Adult Fiction | SERIES YA FIC ARC # 1 |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Teen Hardcover | TEEN/FIC/SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Fiction | TEEN/FIC/SHUSTERMAN |
2 of 2 | Hamden/Whitneyville Teen Books | TEEN/FIC/SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA SHU (NUTMEG NOMINEE 2019) |
1 of 1 | Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC SHU |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | MALL YA FIC SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 2 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC SHUSTERMAN |
3 of 3 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC SHUSTERMAN (HS NUTMEG 2019) |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA SCI Shusterman |
1 of 1 | Mitchell College Book Stacks | PZ7 .S55987 Scy 2016 |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAF SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Teen Fiction | Teen Fiction Shusterman |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Teen Fiction | Teen Fiction Shusterman |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Adult Fiction Series | YA FICTION Shusterman, Neal ARC#1 (High School Nutmeg) |
0 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC SHUSTERMAN [NOV 16] |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Adult Rotation Collection | ROTATION COLLECTION YA SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 2 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Shusterman 2019 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 3 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN #1 |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC SERIES ARC |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | NM'19 YA F SHU 1 |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F SHU |
0 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA SHUSTERMAN |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2016 | First edition | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | 433 pages ; 22 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Durham Media Room | BCD SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 1 | Guilford Adult Books on CD | BKCD SHUSTERMAN |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Adult Books on CD | YA CD BOOK SHUSTERMAN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Books on CD | YA CD SHUSTERMAN (NEW) |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||
2017 | Unabridged | Brilliance Audio | 9 audio discs (10 hr., 36 min.) ; 12 cm. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Large Print | YA LP Shusterman |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2023 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 677 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
Checked Out
1 copy, 9 people are on the wait list.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2016 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | Checked Out 1 copy, 9 people are on the wait list.
"In a world where disease has been eliminated, the only way to die is to be randomly killed ('gleaned') by professional reapers ('scythes'). Two teens must compete to become a scythe--a position neither of them wants. The one who becomes a scythe must kill the one who doesn't"--
8. Small spaces
Average Rating:
5 stars
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction
Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (SCARY STORIES) ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading | TF ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC ARD |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Arden 2021 Nutmeg 7-8 |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC ARD NUTMEG 2021 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF ARD |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ARD |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Arden, Katherine [Small] #01 (Small) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J ARDEN (MS NUTMEG 2021) |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Arden 2021 Nutmeg 7-8 |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC DARING ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA ARDEN |
0 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC ARD |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Teen Hardcover | TEEN/FIC/ARDEN (2021 Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Teen Books | TEEN/FIC/ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J ARD (NUTMEG NOMINEE '21) |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC ARD |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA FIC Arden |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Arden |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Arden |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction Series | YT FICTION Arden, Katherine SMALL#1 (Nutmeg 2021 - Middle School) |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Arden |
2 of 2 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Arden 2021 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC ARD 2021 NUTMEG |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J ARDEN |
1 of 3 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA ARDEN |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | MG F ARD c.1 hc |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA ARDEN |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2019 | Puffin Books | 218 pages, 23 pages ; 20 cm | On Shelf Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction TF ARDEN Madison/Scranton Teen Summer Reading TF ARDEN
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Book on CD Fiction | J BCD ARDEN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Talking Book CD | J/CD/TBK/ARDEN |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
2018 | Unabridged | Random House/Listening Library | 5 audio discs (5 hr., 17 min.) : CD audio, digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (SCARY STORIES) ARDEN |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Large Print | JLP ARDEN |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
2019 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press | 289 pages (large print) ; 23 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2018 | OverDrive | Books on Tape | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection has 2
After eleven-year-old Ollie's school bus mysteriously breaks down on a field trip, she has to take a trip through scary woods, and must use all of her wits to survive.
9. Spy school
Average Rating:
4.6 stars
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Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 2 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (MYSTERY) GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC GIB |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gibbs |
0 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction Book 1 |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Action/Adventure | jF ACT GIBBS |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Downstairs Juvenile Fiction Series | j SERIES Spy Book 1 |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun Youth Fiction | Y FIC GIB |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF GIB |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction (Paperback) | J Gibbs, Stuart [Spy] #01 (Spy) |
0 of 1 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Gibbs, Stuart [Spy] #01 (Spy) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Gibbs |
0 of 2 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Quick Pick | J QUICK-PICK GIBBS |
0 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | SERIES J FIC SPY #1 |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/GIBBS #1 |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GIB |
3 of 3 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC GIBBS |
0 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC GIBBS, Spy School #1 |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Series | JF GIBBS #1 |
2 of 2 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Series Spy #1 Gibbs |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Gibbs Spy 1 |
0 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF GIBBS [FEB 19] |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F GIBBS |
2 of 2 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC GIBBS |
0 of 2 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Gibbs 2015 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F GIBBS |
0 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC GIB |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J GIBBS #1 |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Fiction | jF GIB |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J GIBBS |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2013] | First Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers paperback edition April 2013 | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | 290 pages ; 20 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Books on CD | J CD BOOK GIBBS |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Compact Disc | JCD GIBBS |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
2017 | Unabridged | Simon & Schuster Audio | 5 audio discs (360 min.) ; 12 cm. | Available from another library
Currently Unavailable
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Large Print | J LP Gibbs |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2024 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 385 pages (large print) ; 22 cm. | Currently Unavailable
Checked Out
2 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2017 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Audio | Checked Out 2 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2012 | OverDrive | Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection |
Twelve-year-old Ben Ripley leaves his public middle school to attend the CIA's highly secretive Espionage Academy, which everyone is told is an elite science school.
10. Starfish
Average Rating:
5 stars
Choose a Format
Checked Out/Available Elsewhere
1 copy on order.
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | F (REALISTIC FIC) FIPPS |
0 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Nutmeg | TF FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC FIP |
2 of 2 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction FIPPS (2025 NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF FIPPS (2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
0 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC FIPPS (2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | Y FIC FIP (2025 NUTMEG MIDDLE SCHOOL NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun YA New | Y FIC FIP NUTMEG '25 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton New Juvenile | JF FIP |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Fipps, Lisa (Starfish) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Fipps NUTMEG |
0 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC TWEEN FIPPS |
2 of 2 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA FIPPS (NUTMEG 2025) |
0 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Nutmeg | J FIC FIP (MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2025) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/FIP (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Nutmeg Books | J/FIC/FIPPS (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Nutmeg Books | MDL/FIC/FIPPS (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/FIPPS (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIPPS (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC FIP |
1 of 1 | Meriden New Children's | J FIC FIPPS |
1 of 2 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC FIPPS (2025 NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Mitchell College Book Stacks | PZ7.5 .F57 St 2021 |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF FIPPS |
0 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Fipps |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Fipps |
3 of 3 | North Haven Middle School Nutmegs | YT FICTION Fipps, Lisa (2025 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | NUTMEG MS YA FIC FIPPS [MAR 21] |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Fipps [Tween] |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA F FIPPS |
0 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J FIPPS |
1 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books | YA FIPPS (2025 M.S. NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | West Haven Bookmobile Young Adult Fiction | CT READ J FIC FIPPS |
3 of 4 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | CT READ J FIC FIPPS |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Middle Grade Fiction | MG F FIP (MS NM '25) |
2 of 3 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J FIPPS |
1 on order | East Lyme Public Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2021 | Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House | 244 pages ; 22 cm | Checked Out/Available Elsewhere 1 copy on order.
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Large Print | J LP FIPPS |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
2021 | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 369 pages (large print) ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 1 | Online OverDrive Collection |
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |||||||
2021 | OverDrive | Books on Tape | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection has 2
Available Online
1 copy, 4 people are on the wait list.
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2021 | OverDrive | Penguin Young Readers Group | Available Online 1 copy, 4 people are on the wait list. Online OverDrive Collection |
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J REA FIPPS |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Readalong | J READALONG FIPPS |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
[2023] | Read-along edition | Playaway Products, LLC | 1 audio-enabled book (367 pages) ; 22 cm | Available from another library
Bullied and shamed her whole life for being fat, twelve-year-old Ellie finally gains the confidence to stand up for herself, with the help of some wonderful new allies.--